How to build a good Web-site
- on your own !

When in difficulty finding the right code for rarely used HTML functions, try (-It has good, quick-loading HTML Tutorial pages.)
      -For an example of a page that it helped with, view this page - esp. the HTML for making the Superscripted characters.)

Having built a large number of pages, I refined and perfected what I made through frequent consultation of the 'Free Tune Up' at the links below... the instant I advertised it here, though, the 'Free' aspect was removed. Nowadays I use, which is still free as of July 6 1999.)

Web Site Garage

Web Site Garage
Tune Up Your Web Site Free:

My index.html page at UpSky2 passed with flying colors and won this award (as of 10/31/98 11:xx PST):

SiteInspector Approved