A Nightmare Scenario - the final junk email battlefield
The logical end result of the current Spam junk-e-mail scene, is an email system resembling current security systems for transmitting secure data: To get email sent to someone,
you will then need not only the right email address (analogous to a 'public key'), but also the correct Subject line code (as a 'private key' analogue).
...Email systems would be, in this nightmare scenario, capable of filtering out all email with subject lines not equal to (say) "iD:Qs0196s24QQz3
". All public bandwidth would be full of bouncing 'email requests', the work of ruthless hackers attempting to get e-attention at all costs . . . Personally vital and non-commercial email & other transmissions would be kept down to an effective rate of 50 Kbits-per-second even on the fastest lines .... an all-out virtual battlefield to match any from the SF works of Bruce Sterling or William Gibson.
But this scenario has not yet come to pass.* In the meantime, I have a rogue's gallery to share. The email addresses listed below were all given as the From: addresses on emails that met the criteria outlined here, the
- unsolicited, and also one or more of 'B' criteria:
- pornographic content / solicitations ( explicit, implicit ... or even just possible, since really vague solicitations are inherently suspect )
- invalid 'remove' address given ( that bounces hard, with a 'user not found' or '5XX' error.) Or other stated removal mechanism inoperative. Or no means of list removal given.
- forged From: address (&/or forged header): major email addresses have distinctive aspects or 'fingerprint'... forging an email From: address is, if not the sort of thing the Secret Service investigates, certainly a crime - & may also be a form of theft: even just using a domain name invalidly (let alone the user ID) steals from the email service provider's reputation ... and some of them are getting very wroth with that.
- excessive size, or more than one message with duplicate contents ( size above about 9.9 K is considered excessive here.)
- Spamateurishness: a catch-all for gaucherie; for instance a message that has brief content, but is large because the 'To:' field was crammed with allt he addresses sent to! Or, blank emails. Or others as spammers future folly may dictate!
So here - right on the Web where other spammers' spiders will hopefully find and collect them - is my current
( - Feel free to Block Sender any or all of these addresses, in your own email account... another reason I included them here. )
teambuilder@structured-water.com 10883260@ix.netcom.com
z993v2@ibm.net JakesFreebieTown@bigfoot.com webmaster@futuro-eagles.com ramseyb@mymail.com
netpros@bizztek.com fruegge@gwdg.de B2BeNews@pacbell.net chilibook@eastmail.com
chazhound@chazhound.com ron689@alpha.tu.ac.th success_2000@excite.com um7j@ibm.net
NEWSFLASHZ@yahoo.com kenna44@yahoo.com win678@mic.iu.co.jp humleker@erols.com
jblk@joymail.com 15pv@hehe.com flightdeck_us@yahoo.com yakketyyak@compuserve.cm
yakketyyak@compuserve.com hotfemales@mail.carlbro.dk icardura@yahoo.com
jamit@prodigy.com bway@bigfoot.com bapoint@hotmail.com profits2000@mail.md
netking3@bellsouth.net makebucks202@yahoo.com LongDistance@serverx.fsnet.co.uk teensexall@mailhost.cs.auc.dk
kazam@yahoo.com adam@yahoo.com suckmeall@danablue.vision.auc.dk timmy@email.com EmailLeads2000@hotmail.com ggobis20002@belloffice.com
email544000@fastmail.ca Hildy@mail.fortuna.com.br Hildy@ruby.fortuna.com.br
suzi5@aussiemail.com.au suzi4@aussiemail.com.au chopin_720002@swbell.net
willynilly@mailcity.com platinum@AllThePlanet.com wlvequipla2339396@compuserve.com SALLYy1@turbomail.net niouyiosafb@yahoo.com
Cash_4_U2@yahoo.com increaseprofits2190915@mailcity.com whatzit@freewebcity.com notter@yahoo.com info30422@babit.com
jmbkjvs@yahoo.com cr_negotiate@yahoo.com shipper@prodigy.net phonesex5896@hotmail.com phonesex7998@hotmail.com iaknf@yahoo.com
noheat@eastmail.com Resurface@gtmoppinc.com betteryou@excite.com betteryou@excte.com make_money_5487@htmial.com make_money_5487@hotmail.com
Anthonyoo@eo.yifan.net themann@usa.net gh8@sofit.it wfrobersen13419 asdfjha@yahoo.com dasjfhask@yahoo.com notification76@mindspring.com
theautoclub1653@home.com theautoclub77545@home.com americafindnow@yahoo.com unlimitedld@uymail.com lowcostdiabeticsupplies54516@yahoo.com
make_money_5487@htmial.com make_money_5487@hotmail.com LongxDistance@excite.com help@teen-net.fsnet.co.uk getfit67@yahoo.com
rob32900@go.com home11@bwn.nett home11@bwn.net bsn2@aol.com prosper@020.co.uk
. . . subcategory, the 'Super-Spammers' - who send spam soliciting others to send spam or mass emailings:
subcategory, Forged Addresses:
* ...Except in one case, even before I was done imagining the above. It details a spam filtering program that asks for a password in the subject line! ...but from some domains only, not all...
the nightmare is incompletely developed as yet even here.:
Looking over http://www.perl.com, I saw an article on spam and email filtering/exclusion, by Mark-Jason Dominus, in which he details how his own solution to Spam has gone to the length of requiring a Subject-line password .... if the email comes from certain domains, but not all - read it, it's full of Perl:
My Life With Spam, Part 3.
- Please note: I linked to this without permission... because the author's Spam block was too good to let me contact him to ask! ; )
- Web page created March 20 2000 after a rough draft on paper of March 11-12 2000, and edited slightly March 24 2000, by Russell Hess; HTML page design & text layout by 'UpSky'.