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                     I.Q. tests, skill challenges                  

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NetScape Navigator

On-the-Web  I.Q. tests - and knowledge tests for the brainy - that I like and can recommend, on the basis that all are educational or brain-exercizing.
On the first, I've done as well as 129 [...and, more recently, 148. Maybe I'm better, maybe they made it easier...? ]
      - May 1 2000:   UNIX IQ Test, and Uproar Java quiz applet added.  The UNIX test is not very easy, but I passed it ( - if 70% and above-average is a 'pass'.) And I've registered and played at Uproar.com, and can say it's a good quiz site, not too easy but I've won there.
      - May 2 2000:   Depression Test added.   - Not IQ nor skill related, but actually not a bad diagnostic tool about your life in general. (If anonymity worries you, try doing it several times in a row, only once giving honest answers; answers aren't hard-copied and you don't need to register on the website.)

(- If you can do as well or better, let me hear from you!)

5 minute 'Quickness I.Q.' test

Sherlock Holmes knowledge test

Trivia quiz site with high scores refreshed weekly. Some of it is rather primary-school level, but others actually take a bit of brain or knowledge (or web-search ability... one quiz set can be solved 100% of the time with proper use of a certain search engine, I won't say which!) Especially the Biology quiz - definitely requires high-level knowledge to get any kind of score at all on it.
See me there, as "R_Hess".

The Universe Contest – get a chance to win cash by answering a fun quiz. Every week a new quiz.

UNIX IQ Test - and 4+ others - at Majon International's website.

Emode.com's IQ test - "free, it's private and it's developed by PhDs" -complete with 15-page analysis (you must register first).

HighIQSociety.org - free IQ tests, which you must take (and pass!) to qualify for membership in the High IQ Society.

"Dear friend, if you like difficult IQ tests, please visit www.iqtest.sk . Best regards, Stanislav Hatala, hatala@iqtest.sk " - visit Slovakia today (via Internet), and choose from about 10 different tests, 7 of them mathematical (c. 9/2002). (- I haven't tried this site out thoroughly yet, but what I saw of it is certainly pleasant to the eye.)

Puzz.com - This comprehensive site has tests, puzzles, games, trivia, mind energizing software, high IQ society information, & contests for prizes.

Yesavage test for depression in the elderly, on the Web.
      Courtesy of HealthandAge.com
...Note, May 2 2000: trying it on April 11 several times, I find that if your score is 8 or (from answers indicating very good spirits etc.) 3, it just says "normal for an elderly person".... but if questions are answered to produce a score of 22 (very bad), it says you need psychiatric help.... so "This is normal for an elderly person" is a * g o o d * prognosis.

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( - counter, added May 2 2000.)

- Page updated July 14, 2003 (with Emode, highiqsociety, and Hatala tests added), and September 21-22, 2002 and May 1st & 2nd & tweaked May 5th-6th), 2000 (as well as on April 20-21 & 24 2000, and August 8 1999). Based on original June 14, 1998 version; Counter added August 23 1999. - All HTML, and webpage layout, by the Webmaster of UpSky and UpSky2, hess1@bigfoot.com