I March 17
II " 23
III " 23 'Eclipse Night'
IV " 25
V " 27
VI April 1 -Farewell?!
VII " 2 ["What is one year?..."] TO_LAI.POM
VIII " 3 Confessional Realisation
IX " 6
X " 9 ["Madman..."]
XI " 10 Lyric
XII " 23 [prediction]
XIII May 6 Sun Dawn
XIV " 12 [Surprise]
XV " 31 (-lost; Luckily it wasn't great.)
XVI June 3 Magic of green...
XVII " 6
XVIII " 7 [Goddess?]*
XIX " 9
XX(a thru h) " 13 Statement; Ciphers; Punishment...
XXI " 17 'XX-Won!'
XXII " 20 The True Name
XXIII " 23
XXIV " 24a [Summer's Paramount]
XXV " 24n
XXVI " 26p
XXVII " 27
XXIX July 1 & 2 [Xxx...]
XXX " 4
*(Needs 2nd verse, explicatory....? but I can't write one deliberately....)
XXXI " 11 "'Where has...' I asked..."
XXXII " 12
XXXIII Aug. 9 4 names 44
XXXIV(a,b) Sept. 4 & 5 "How beautiful..."
"She is..."
XXXV (mid-October) The ghost, again (see III)
XXXVI Nov. 16 "Light of glory..."
XXXVII " 20 Victory Uncertain?
XXXIX Dec. 21
XL Jan. 6, 1998: "What is there to discover..."
XLI " 7 "No urge to another's life..."
XLII " 10 Not A Woman, (But Maybe) For A Woman's Sake
XLIII Feb. 4 "Categorization and..."
XLIV " 23 Apple-blossom Brightness
XLV(a) " 24 The Coin
(b) April 20 (-& The Coin's Other Side)
XLVI " 28 Four-In-One
XLVII Mar. 5p "When you're missing I'm..."
XLVIII " 20 If Love Were All Power And (...etc.)
XLIX (early April) 'Ghost III' (see II & XXXV)
L April 8 & 13 (L.w/M.& Rfacbs!)
LI " 11 "...we are so far away..."
LII " 12 "If I had..."
LIII May 4 Promise And Unpromise
LIV " 7 Nuptials Chorus
LV ~May 10 Final (this poem was stolen, with a wallet of mine,
in June 1998, in the Arlington Co. Library.
I had to rewrite it from memory.)
Envoi: [June 1997 & later] "Ever be..."
Finale: [January 3 1998] "Come to me once again, stay with me ever..."